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What Can An Inversion Table Do For You?

What Are The Benefits Of Inversion Tables You Can Enjoy?

People have been using inversion therapy for neck and back pain relief for many years. They’ve learned that inversion therapy can dramatically reduce neck and back pain substantially when practiced long enough. These are far from the only two benefits, however. Inversion therapy can do so much more than just address these two kinds of pain. Inversion therapy users have personally witnessed reduced depression, improved metabolism, reversed aging, increased flexibility and posture, stress relief, enhanced circulation of oxygen and blood, a strong core, firmer ligaments, and so much more.

Does this all sound too good to actually be true?

Admittedly, the anecdotal evidence isn’t scientific, but with so many users across the globe raving about the advantages of inversion therapy, there’s certainly something worthwhile here. Doesn’t everyone deserve a healthier body and life?

How Do I Pick One Inversion Table Over The Rest?

Picking an inversion table over all others is really pretty basic. We recommend following our simple guidelines in picking the best possible inversion table that suits your situation. We don’t always carry every inversion therapy table currently on the market, but we do have a broad selection of reputable brands. Something in our product line will serve you well.


Inversion tables run a price range starting at under $200 to more than $600. You have to choose your budget before picking your table. If you’re already a veteran of inversion tables, then I recommend splurging a bit, because your expectations are likely higher than other shoppers. Also, if you’re truly concerned about your physical and mental health and inversion therapy is a serious affair for you, then the more expensive tables have considerably more features to offer you.

The more economic models are great entry-level options for anyone new to inversion tables. At just $170, you can invest in something wonderful for your overall health. Just keep in mind that you get out of it what you put into it. You’ll stand to benefit from any of the cheaper models, but they might not have everything you’re hoping to gain.

Certain higher-end tables all both face-up and face-down options, allowing you to do more exercises. For anyone wanting extra features, they should plan on paying more. Just remember that we’re talking about your health. If you’re truly serious about doing inversion therapy, then be sure you invest properly into what you want. Regardless of your decision, I believe you’ll enjoy any purchase that you make with us.

Additional Features

Select inversion tables in our lineup have extra features that bring more enjoyment and advantages to the experience. You won’t need every single feature, but quite a few consumers enjoy having options at their disposal. One feature many love is infrared therapy where an extra heating pad warms up the backrest during inversion. This adds a new therapeutic dimension that can help with the neck and back pain mentioned back at the start of this content.

Other additional features can include extra padding, ab training, and longer handles, among others. None of those features is truly crucial to inversion therapy, but a number of consumers like them.

As you can tell, not a lot is involved with choosing a good inversion therapy table. Many consumers just settle for something in their budget that comes with the list of features they deem useful. In the end, nearly any inversion table will do wonders for your body and health for years to come. Somewhere down the line, you’ll thank your past self for making the decision and investment to get an inversion table. The benefits of having one and using it regularly will turn your world upside down.

I have this one that was a birthday gift from my friend who is the owner of a grease trap cleaning company in San Diego, CA.


Inversion Tables Help Avoid Hip Pain

There are times that you likely wake up and all you feel is pain. In most situations, these are typically injuries or muscle damage that happen and are unnoticed until they start to cause problems many hours or days after. With that said, you shouldn’t wait for your hip pain to get worse to the point where you can’t cope with the pain to do something about it.

One way to avoid hip pain is to use an inversion table. These tables use gravity which pulls on your body in order to help hip pain in the comfort of your home. They are quite effective in getting rid of the pain by allowing your body to realign and reset. It also helps to rehydrate your back’s lower discs. This helps your nerves and tendons to go back to their correct position which would naturally heal the pain.

There are many things that can cause hip pain to occur. For example, you can get hip pain from bad posture while you run, walk or jog. It can even be caused by pressing your gas and brake pedals in your vehicle. Unfortunately, the nerves near your hip can get pinched quite easily and cause you to become disabled for a long time. The typical treatment for this injury is usually lots of pain killers. However, this is only limited and eventually expensive because your nerves don’t function like muscles and will start to hurt again. If you do need to get some hood cleaning in Atlanta done, be sure to call a professional since you won’t be able to do it on your own until you heal your hip pain.

The best and least expensive option is to use an inversion table. This will help to avoid getting pinched nerves and hip pain. It can even help you to get rid of back pain, headaches as well as pain in your neck. When you use an inversion table regularly, it will quickly heal your nervous and muscular system and ensure it is working well.


Teeter Hang Ups EP-550 & EP-950 Inversion Tables

Many people, whom had used the Teeter EP-550 hang up inversion table, made the statement that it was the best investment one could make in any exercise or fitness equipment. An inversion table can only provide beneficial results for the user. The only thing worse than accepting your back pain as permanent damage, is ignoring the most amazing resource for healing those symptoms. That resource is the EP-550 Teeter, hang-up inversion table.

In the event that you can save countless dollars on home therapy, why wouldn’t you? Teeter Hang ups are the most cost efficient exercise and therapy machinery on the market today. No piece of equipment provides the same relief, without the help of a doctor or chiropractor. Many of those same doctors suggest the use of a Teeter inversion table to reduce healing time and increase the validity of therapy. Among those doctors the three most referred inversion table models are the EP 550, the EP 950, and the F5000.

Most people who suffer from back pain are affected during the morning and evening hours. Usage of the EP-950 hang up will reduce the level of discomfort that you deal with throughout the day or during your waking hours in the morning. In comparison to other forms of home exercise and therapy given to patients, the Teeter inversion table has proven to show the quickest and most effective results. Using the Teeter Hang up, for just minutes, before you go to bed or after getting out of bed can greatly reduce the symptoms and effects of back pain.

The Teeter EP-950 has provided thousands of people with relief, all around the world. It is amazing that a design so simple can create such a variety of exercises for you to perform at home. Whether you are suffering from back pain, neck pain, spinal pain, or improper posture, there is a reason why you should have your own Teeter Hang up inversion table.